The Wonderful World of Beat Saber


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I got this game for my HTC Vive a few weeks ago and it is great. If you never heard about the game before, Beat Saber is a VR rhythm game where your goal is to slash the beats which perfectly fit into precisely handcrafted music. Reading the reviews off of their store page on Steam, everyone is enjoying slicing cubes with their red and blue beam saber with overwhelming positive impression.

I love this game. The game mechanic is simple yet addictive because one time is just not enough. Once you get in to the groove of the music you just keep going. Dancing in your living room while people awkwardly watching you rage after missing a couple of notes.

People were unhappy about the limited choices of song in the base game, but the problem got resolved  with a few mod. Using the site BeatSaver , you are able to download music that fan created and shared with the community.

It is understandable why they only have a few songs because if they where to use songs that are mainstream. The people will have to pay royalties to every song they use. If they created a library for us to play then that will cut into their development budget. That is how i see it so let be beat in peace.

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