To Build Or Not To Build

Building a PC to run your Virtual Reality is not a difficult task. For newcomer it can be overwhelming because all of the different parts and tech savvy terms like GPU, CPU or RAM can scare beginner away. In reality, it is a very straight forward process. you obtain the parts you need and make sure they play well with one another on the playground we call a Case or chassis.

Here are the typical hardware components you’ll need to build a gaming PC:

The main difference that make a regular PC become a Gaming PC are the CPU and GPU. These two are the muscle that make your triple A games look and run like a new Ferrari on a empty Dubai highway. Just zooming.

If you are still struggling finding parts, there are many online community and forum to help guide and inspire you. I recommend using the site PC PART PICKER as a tool to help organize and guide you through the process. The site not only keep tracks of the parts you are going to use. It can also warn you if part are not compatible and list compatible part for your ease. There is also a section were users can share their builds and discuss their thoughts on it. This is a great place for beginner and experienced builder because we are all striving to build something great. Why not do it Together.

Image result for pc building meme png


One thought on “To Build Or Not To Build”

  1. Building a PC is a huge process, but it is hands down of the coolest investments I’ve ever committed towards. I had my friend help me build it, but from what I did work on it really felt like Legos (similar to that meme you provided).


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